Day 26/2

Plan 26/2:

  • learning and researching Shopify doc (architecture, Liquid)

  • customize speed


Layouts are the base of the theme, they are liquid files allow you to include content that repeat on multiple page type

Layout type

  • General: general layouts can apply to all non-checkout pages. Default layout file is theme.liquid

  • Checkout: checkout.liquid layout renders the checkout and is vailable only to Shopify Plus merchants. This type apply to checkout pages


Layout file should follow the structure of a standard HTML doc. Most layout files contain the following Liquid objects:

  • content_for_header

This variable is typically used to include content that should be placed within the <head> section of the HTML document. It allows developers to add meta tags, scripts, stylesheets, or any other content that needs to be included in the header of every page.

  • content_for_layout

This variable is used to inject content into the main content area of the theme layout.

It allows developers to include dynamic content or sections that should be displayed consistently across different pages of the website.

Developers can use the "content_for_layout" variable within layout files to define where the main content of each page should be rendered.



Tags are wrapped with curly brace percentage delimiters {% %}. The text within the delimiters doesn't produce visible output when rendered.

Conditional tags

1. 'if' : Renders an expression if a specific condition is true.

{% if condition %}


{% endif %}

2. 'elsif' : check for multiple condition

{% if condition %}


{% elsif condition %}


{% endif %}

3. 'else' : set a default expression when no other condition are met

{% if condition %}


{% else %}


{% endif %}

4. 'unless' : renders an expression unless a specific condition is true

{% unless condition %}


{% endunless %}

5. 'case' : Renders a specific expression depending on the value of a specific variable

{% case variable %}

{% when value1 %}


{% when value2 %}


{% else %}


{% endcase %}

6. 'multiple value' : When multiple values are provided, the expression is returned when the variable matches any of the values inside of the tag.

{% case variable %}

{% when value1 or value2 or value3 %}


{% when value4, value5, value6 %}


{% else %}


{% endcase %}

Provide the values as a comma-separated list, or separate them using an or operator.

HTML tags


Generate many types html <form> tag including any required <input> to submit the form.

{% form 'form_type' %}


{% endform %}

Form types:

  • activate_customer_password : activating a customer account

  • cart : creating a checkout based on the items currently in the cart

  • contact : submitting an email to the merchant

  • create_customer : creating a new customer account

  • currency : select preferred currency

  • customer : creating a new customer without registering a new account

  • customer_address : generates a form for creating a new address on a customer account, or editing an existing one

  • customer_login : generates a form for logging into a customer account

  • guest_login : Generates a form that directs customers back to their checkout session as a guest instead of logging in to an account

  • localization : Generates a form for customers to select their preferred country so that they're shown the appropriate language and currency

  • new_comment

  • product

  • recover_customer_password

  • reset_customer_password

  • storefront_password

Last updated